Monday, November 10, 2008


After a casual and fun morning at The Christmas Village in Birmingham Friday, my afternoon turned into a complete panic!
As we are driving back, I get a phone call from Jason, "Get home as quick as you can. Emma has shut her finger in my car door and it's bad." "How bad?" I asked. "Just Hurry!"
I hear Emma in the background screaming histerically, and I can sense the fear in Jason's voice.
Of course, once I get home, he has calmed her down, and she WILL NOT let me look at her finger or touch it. He tries to tell me what it looks like in his most graphic way and we both feel she needs to have it checked out. After much coaxing and calming reassurance, we take her to MMCN Emergency room. My baby is absolutely scared to death at this point.
The doctor and staff at the ER were WONDERFUL!!! They took such great care of Emma and really helped to calm her anxieties about everything.
The ER doctor really wanted to go ahead and cut out her fingernail and do stitches, but he felt that would be way too traumatic for all of us, so he used steri-strips on the cut. The tip of her bone is also broken.
I didn't see her finger until we were at the hospital. I am so thankful that we went ahead and took her over there. She is very fortunate that she even has the tip of her finger right now.

We will follow up with Dr. Chupp this week to see what else needs to be done.


Sunny said...

Bless her heart! Poor baby.

Mrs. Simmons said...

Bless that baby girl's heart. And bless your heart! Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I had no idea! Bless her heart! Hope everything goes well.