Thursday, June 19, 2008


I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man! I always knew he was a great husband, but he is such a wonderful father to our children! I am thankful that he works so hard to allow me to stay at home with our kids!

We had a wonderful Father's Day! We spent the morning at church, then had a leisurely afternoon lunch and visit with Jason's dad and his family, and finally we enjoyed spending time with my dad and family at our house for dinner!
We are blessed to have both of our dad's in our lives! They are great father's and terrific granddads!


These are actual pictures that we have taken in the late afternoons of the past few weeks!

I love the sky! I love to look at clouds and watch the sunset!
God's creation is such a magnificent thing! This is just a constant reminder to me of the awesome God that we serve!!


Our Baby Girl, excuse me, Our Big Girl celebrated her 5th birthday in May!! I can't believe that she is 5 and will be starting Kindergarten in the fall! She will always be mommy's baby girl no matter how old she is!!

Emma wanted a swimming party this year so we waited until June and had a pool party at the rec. center! This was the best birthday party that we have had! She had such a great time and I think all of her friends enjoyed themselves too!


Brady is growing and changing so fast! He is 11 weeks old this week and he is such a big boy!!
He weighed 12 lbs, 10 oz and was 24 in. long at his 2 month check-up. We had a few weeks that were really tough, but he is adjusted now and doing wonderful! We are still waiting for him to sleep through the night consistently! Ha Ha Ha!
We are so blessed to have our 2 healthy children! I thank God daily for letting us have these little ones!