Thursday, September 27, 2007


We closed on our house last Friday, but won't be moving in for another couple of weeks! We gave the people plenty of time to get out, plus we have to do some painting! (Emma wants a pink bedroom, not a blue one)!
Once we get in, I will post some more pictures, but this is a start!!!


Emma has started taking horse lessons again here in town! She is loving being able to ride again! The lady giving her lessons says that she is really good, especially for a 4 year old! We are all excited about this!! I hope that she will continue to like riding horses! It is such a joy to watch her!


At Emma's preschool, they get to go skating every 3rd Friday!!! It only took her a few minutes to get the hang of what she was doing, and then she no longer needed to hold mommy's hand!

Emma and her friend Grace Ann! They have become such good friends at school, which is really great because they will also be neighbors once we get moved into our house!!
These 2 boys had such a great time chasing Emma around! I don't know who enjoyed it more, Emma or the boys!! These kids are too cute!!
At the end of skating, the kids get to do the hokey-pokey!! Emma knew exactly what to do because she had learned it this past year in school, plus our dear friend Laura in Georgia made her a CD that played it, so we hokey-pokey quite a bit at home!!!


I know the pictures are a little blurry, but Emma has learned to ride her little bicycle without training wheels! We thought it would be best to start on the small bike and then progress to her bigger bike since she would be much closer to the ground when she wrecked! She has done really well! Now she jumps on and takes off around the yard all by herself!! WE ARE SO PROUD OF OUR BIG GIRL!!!!


Emma has wanted to go fishing all summer long, so her Papa finally took her a couple of weekends ago!! I think she caught 5 fish all together! I can't believe that she actually held the fish, but by the end of day she was even holding and playing with the crickets!!! Oh how gross!!!
She had such a great time!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I couldn't resist sharing this!!!
Too cute!!
We had a playdate with the Glassco girls this past week! The girls are just so thrilled to be able to play with one another again!!!
McKinley knows exactly what it takes to make it big in country music!!! Watch out Carrie Underwood, there's a new star in town!!!!


Emma started to preschool the Tuesday after Labor Day! She absolutely loves it! She is going 4 days a week for about 3 1/2 hours. Ms. Brooks is such a fabulous teacher!!! I am so thankful that she was able to attend this school on short notice once we found out we were moving back!
On of Emma's dear friends, McKinley Glassco, goes to the same school, but she is only there 2 days a week!!! They were so excited to see each other on the 1st day of school! I think it made both of their mornings a little better!!


Labor Day weekend was our last weekend in Georgia!! My parents, and sister's family came over and helped us to move back home! We loaded everything up on Sat. and then made our way back to Alabama on Sun.
This was our apartment unit! We lived in the middle apartment on the left!
Our time in the apartment was great! We made some really terrific friends that we will and already do miss dearly!!!