Monday, December 10, 2007

We ventured over to Stone Mountain again this year with the Glassco's for "A Stone Mountain Christmas". This is so much fun, especially for the girls, but it is getting to be so crowded that you spend most of your time waiting in line. We did have a great time though. We took time this year to ride the ducks....Mrs. Laura, this was sooo much fun!!!! We also rode the train around the mountain which stopped at some point and did a wonderful presentation of the Christmas story. Many times at secular holiday events, they don't bother to share the true meaning of Christmas. The girls visited with the snow angel, made cookies in Mrs. Claus's Kitchen, wrote letters to Santa, and made bags of food to leave out for Santa's reindeer. We enjoyed seeing the millions of beautiful lights that they had displayed. There were lot's of other things to do, but the girls were exhausted before we could finish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Jason thats not surprise to feeding your face!!! LOL Emma honey anyway I hope that you made me some cookies to bring over when you come to see us in Athens..HUGS AND KISSES....Miss Laura