Monday, April 09, 2007


Emma enjoyed coloring Easter eggs this year! She wasn't extremely patient while the eggs were in the dye, but they were her eggs and we let her take them out whenever she was ready! She was able to color eggs at Mimi's house with Tanya and Hunter, and then we colored them again at Nanna's house!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess what?? Hunter won the prize for the prettiest egg and the prize for the ugliest egg!! We did good!!! hahahahhaha. Him and Taylor also won the kids egg toss and Hunter found the golden egg!! He brought home about $30 or $40 just from easter prizes!! Anyways, I am glad we got to spend time with ya'll for easter. We miss you already!! Maybe we can come over and visit soon when it is warm so the kids can swim!! Love ya!! Tanya