Last night we went over to the mall to watch a parade that brought Santa to the mall. It was really cute. They had a band playing Christmas songs and several other Christmas displays!

This is a little girl named Shea that we sat with waiting for the parade to begin. I could tell that her mom was trying to keep her sitting down and away from the road which is what I was trying to do with Emma, so we sat down with them and they acted like they had known each other forever. The girls had the best time together and behaved wonderfully while waiting for Santa to show up. He was a little late, so they got a little antsy! It's good that Emma doesn't have a hard time making friends!

Emma is inching over to the road to see if she can see the beginning of the parade. She is looking forward to seeing Santa come. She really enjoyed all of the flashing lights of the fire trucks and police cars that were in the parade.
Looks like Emma had a great time with her new friend. Wish we could have been there!
Hey Girl. You can definately claim emma as yours. She looks just like you. She is precious. Can't wait to see her in person. Talk to ya soon. Carrie
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