Friday, February 06, 2009


I want to wish my dear husband a very happy birthday! He is 33 years old today! I am so thankful to God for sending this wonderful man into my life! There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "When God made you, he must have been thinking about me"! That is so true with us! I just hope and pray that we are able to celebrate many more birthdays together!!
We love you, Jason!!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Our big boy has started feeding himself a few little things! He loves to eat crackers and cheerios! He enjoys watching Lucy as she waits below his highchair to see what she will get to eat next. It's too cute!


We went to Groovy Gallery a couple of weeks ago and had a blast. I had never been before, but had heard everyone talk about it. Well, now I am hooked!! I spent a fortune because Emma was having such a good time that she kept wanting to paint more and more! We had the place to ourselves! It was really nice. I have picked up our "masterpieces", but haven't made pictures of them yet. I'll post those later.
We did a plate with Brady's footprint! He wasn't real sure about this!
Mom and Emma painting together! What fun!!
Emma painting her 1st piece. She painted a horse, a hat and a vase! They turned out so cute! She was really excited!