Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Emma lost her 1st tooth this past week at school, and when I say lost it, she really lost it!!!! She was holding her backpack in her mouth by the strap and evidently it pulled the tooth out! They searched the floor and I've searched the backpack, and we can't find it!!! So.......we decided to just write the tooth fairy a letter. Emma was so upset thinking this was not going to work and she just knew the tooth fairy wasn't going to bring her any money. Can you imagine the surprise in her eyes when she looked under her pillow and found 5 Dollars!!!!!!! What joy!!!!!!

This is the copy of the letter she wrote. It says, "Tooth Fairy, I'm sorry I lost my tooth. Can you still give me money!!!"

Too Cute!

Thursday, April 09, 2009


I know it's been a while since I posted, but life at our house has been really busy!!! There's just not much time for blogging.
I think I have gotten most all of the important things on here now! I'll try to do better with keeping this updated, but I can't make any promises!
Hope you enjoy! We sure did!


We celebrated Brady's 1st birthday this past weekend! I can't believe it's been 1 year since he was born! Time has really gone by fast!
Brady is growing and changing so much each day! He is such a sweet little boy!

Brady, on the day that we brought him home from the hospital!


During Spring Break, we took a trip to Disney! All I can say is.....WONDERFUL!!!! This was the best vacation we have ever been on! It was very tiring, but we had a blast!!!! I'm already thinking about next year's trip!! Yes, we loved it so much we are going again!!!!
I have more pictures posted on my facebook page. If you want to see them, send me a friend request!


As Brady's 1st birthday approached, I began to loosen up a little about what he could eat! I gave him a Great Value chocolate creme filled cookie (generic oreo) and as you can see from the pictures......HE LOVED IT!!! I don't feed them to him too often, but I do let him have one a couple of times a week. He also loves the plain butter cookies (what I call Bible School Cookies), and the good thing with them....they aren't messy!


I know you are supposed to wait until after their 1st birthday for the 1st haircut, but I couldn't stand it any longer! Brady's hair was getting so long it was hanging over his ears and he looked like he needed a bow on the top, so we got it cut! Ms. Julie did a wonderful job! Jason was out of town, so Papa got to do the honors of holding him! Gotta love that Papa...he's such a good sport!


Brady's Baby Dedication

On the last Sunday in February we had Brady's baby dedication! It was a joyous day to have our dearest family members worship with us. We committed ourselves to raising Brady in a Godly home, just as we did with Emma when she was born. Our prayer is that we can be Godly examples in the lives of our children!


Jason surprised me with weekend getaway to the beach for Valentine's day! We went with our dear friends and had a wonderful time! We shopped, ate, played cards and relaxed with NO kids!! I love my children, but it was very nice to have some time away from them.
I was so proud of my husband! It was a wonderful weekend!


Jason and Emma attended the 1st annual Father/Daughter dance at the school in early February. Emma enjoyed getting to dress up and go on a "date" with her daddy! They had the best time, and from what they said it was VERY crowded! Maybe they will do it again next year!


I took Emma for her 1st Pedicure on the day of the Father/Daughter dance! She wasn't sure about it to begin with, but by the end, she LOVED it! She wanted to bring the massage chair home with us!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


In late January we took a trip to Snow Mountain at Stone Mountain National Park in Georgia! It was lot's of fun! We had a blast tubing and once Emma realized it was ok for her to do it by herself, she had a great time too!


These are our finished products from our trip to Groovy Gallery! Everything turned out WAY better than I had expected!! Can't wait for our next painting adventure!!!!

Friday, February 06, 2009


I want to wish my dear husband a very happy birthday! He is 33 years old today! I am so thankful to God for sending this wonderful man into my life! There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "When God made you, he must have been thinking about me"! That is so true with us! I just hope and pray that we are able to celebrate many more birthdays together!!
We love you, Jason!!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Our big boy has started feeding himself a few little things! He loves to eat crackers and cheerios! He enjoys watching Lucy as she waits below his highchair to see what she will get to eat next. It's too cute!


We went to Groovy Gallery a couple of weeks ago and had a blast. I had never been before, but had heard everyone talk about it. Well, now I am hooked!! I spent a fortune because Emma was having such a good time that she kept wanting to paint more and more! We had the place to ourselves! It was really nice. I have picked up our "masterpieces", but haven't made pictures of them yet. I'll post those later.
We did a plate with Brady's footprint! He wasn't real sure about this!
Mom and Emma painting together! What fun!!
Emma painting her 1st piece. She painted a horse, a hat and a vase! They turned out so cute! She was really excited!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Another blogger that I read has recently started doing Friday's Favorites, where she posts her 5 Favorite things from the week. I thought I would give it a try and see how it turns out. If you'd like, feel free to comment and post your 5 Favorite things from this past week or even blog about them on your blog! Hope you all had a great week and hope you have a great weekend!
1. GROOVY GALLERY - This was wonderful! Emma was out of school on Monday so she and I went and painted what I like to call "our masterpieces". We had such a great time! I will pick them up tomorrow, so look for more posts on that.
2. Wii Fit - I love my Wii Fit! I try to exercise with it daily, but sometimes that doesn't happen. It is fun and I'm actually motivated to do it!
3. Bible Study - Sunday nights session with Beth Moore was Great. Our study is Esther, It's tough Being a Woman. This week's topic is It's tough being a woman in A MEAN WORLD. We do live in a mean world and we do live around people who are just mean!! My goal is to make sure that I'm not the MEAN lady that everyone talks about!
4. Mom's Visit - My dad is out of town this week and so is my dear hubby, so my mom has spent the week with us. Of course, the week was busy, but it's always nice to have good company when Jason is gone.
5. Friends - We have enjoyed playing Rook with some of our dear friends over the past few weekends. It's becoming a regular weekend event. We love it! It gives us an opportunity for adult conversation and fun and the kids have an opportunity to play together as well!
(These are in random order, no order of importance)

Friday, January 16, 2009

We have decided to take a family trip to Disney World during Spring Break of this year. We've had the trip booked for a while now, but had not told Emma for fear of her driving us absolutely crazy wanting to know how many days until we leave...you know kindof like "are we there yet?"
We finally decided to tell her yesterday. We bought her some new luggage and I made us a little something to countdown by. She is so excited knowing that some of our dearest friends will be going with us!!! I can't wait! I have been to Disney before, but it was year's ago. Jason has never been. It will be a good trip!!!


Of all the nights to leave the house and go out for dinner, we chose last night, the COLDEST night that we've had thus far!!! The kids loved getting all bundled up! We had a good dinner and managed to stay warm!!!


School absolutely wipes Emma out! There are many afternoons that she comes straight home from school and has to crash! Our sweet little animals always love to lay on or around her when she's napping! Aren't they sweet???

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


There will probably not be many posts on here during January simply because it is such a blah month. There is no real reason to take pictures unless they are just of random things and usually those random things aren't worth sharing. My camera usually sits still from Christmas until Jason's Birthday (Feb. 6). But please keep checking because you never know when something real exciting might happen and I will get a chance to post.
PLUS, I have to admit I have a new obscession right now that is taking priority over my blogging.....FACEBOOK! I am addicted and stay on it as much as I can when I'm not tending to or playing with children. I have been in contact with so many people that I haven't even seen since High School, plus I get to keep up with things that are going on in the lives of all of my friends (close or not). It's really neat. If you have checked it out, I highly recommend it!


OK, here goes.....yes, I was a runner in high school, but have not done much if any running since I graduated. I have been convinced by a dear friend of mine to run a 5K, yes a 5K. Now that sounds bad, but it is actually only 3.1 miles. I say ONLY because I know lot's of people who are running half and full marathons right now, so 3.1 miles doesn't seem that bad... Unless, you haven't ran in 10+ years. BUT, I know that I can do this and I am more determined than ever to train and accomplish this goal that I have set for myself. I think it will be fun, challenging and once finished very rewarding. I am hoping that I can even convince Jason to do this with me. What fun that would be! Wish me luck!!!! I'll keep you posted on my progress!


Jason's grandmother bought Brady the cutest little set of PJ's for Christmas. We call them his "little old man" pajamas. Isn't he such a cutie????? He really is a bundle of smiles and laughs 99% of the time. I look back now and wonder why it took us so long to decide to have this child. He is such a blessing to us!


While the kids were out of school for Christmas holidays, Angela and I took the girls to the Imagination Place at the Cultural Arts Center in Gadsden. I had heard of this place before but never been. It was so neat. It is an indoor playland where the kids get to do "adult things". The day we went, we were the only people there for about 2 hours and the girls had a blast. There was a grocery store, bank, doctor's office, vet's office, grandma's house, construction zone, and even a small area for Brady to play!
Sommer, Emma and Chloe at the Construction Zone

Emma playing in the firesuit

Brady wasn't sure about the whole deal!

Emma and Chloe shopping and working at the grocery store!

Of course, no day is complete without a trip to the Golden Arches!!


We had a wonderful Christmas! It seems like all of December was spent traveling, eating, opening gifts, and just having a great time with friends and family! Santa was great to all of us! Can't wait to do it again next year!
(Pictures in the next 2 posts)