Sunday, June 24, 2007


It is now time for me to do a little bragging on my little girl! Today marks 1 week that Emma has been sleeping in her own bed!!!!! HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!!!! We sometimes have to lay down with her, but some nights she has fallen asleep all by herself. She usually cries out 1 time in the night and I have to comfort her for a short while, but other than that, she sleeps all night long!!! We have really praised her for being such a big girl! This weekend we tried to fix that bedroom to be more like her room than the guest/storage room! She really likes it now!


Nothing is more satisfying on a hot day than ice cream! Emma loves ice cream sandwiches. Poor Lucy only wishes that she could have a bite!

Friday, June 22, 2007


Today was Emma's 1st haircut at the beauty shop other than her very first haircut at the age of 1! For some reason she has been afraid to get her haircut by anyone other than my mom (who by the way is not a professional hair stylist). I convinced her this morning that in order for her hair to grow she needed to get the ends trimmed up, and she was ready to go!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I am so thankful for such a wonderful, loving husband! Jason is so good to me and Emma! Emma is blessed to have this man as her daddy! I thank God daily for sending Jason into my life and allowing us the opportunity to be parents!
I am also thankful to have a great dad and father-in-law! I am so glad that Emma is getting the chance to grow up with 2 grandfather's in her life! Emma is also very fortunate to have known and still enjoy some of her great-grandfathers!!! Happy Father's Day to all of the dad's that might read this!


We took a much needed vacation last week and went to Fort Walton Beach with my family. It was just us and my aunt's family for most of the week, but Mimi and Papa were able to come down for the weekend. We all had such a great time. The next few posts are from the trip.
Mimi, Papa and Emma
We had ate seafood until we couldn't eat anymore! Here we are at the Crab Trap!
This is my Aunt Kathy's Family
Dean, Kathy, Chuck, Seth
Josh in the back


We had a beautiful view of both the beach and the bay from our condo! It was so relaxing to sit on the balcony and look out over God's creation!


We had beautiful weather while we were at the beach last week! The ocean was fabulous! Emma loved playing in the ocean, but she really loved the "soft white sand"!

Emma doesn't go under the water, but she wore these goggles in the ocean in order to keep the waves from splashing in her eyes!!
Playing in the ocean made Emma hungry and sleepy! I don't think she is really sleeping here, but she is at least resting!

Emma is over to the right in the green arm floaties! The water was so calm that we put her arm floaties on her, and then attached a baby harness to her, and she swam around everywhere! It was really great!


Emma ran head first right into a big cement column supporting the condo! She was looking behind her and when she turned around, there it was! It was one of those times when you knew it was about to happen, but there was nothing you could do to stop it!!


Our condo in Florida had a great pool! It was an indoor/outdoor pool where you could swim in between the two. We usually went to the pool in the afternoon and then sometimes again at night. Jason liked the indoor pool especially after he got sunburned at Big Kahuna's Water Park!
Emma and Seth loved playing in the pool together!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Chuck, Kathy and Seth
Emma loves to jump into the pool and have someone catch her! We tried to get her to jump in by herself, but the thought of going under terrifies her!


We all played putt-putt golf one evening after dinner. Emma was extremely tired, but she was a trooper anyway! There were 7 of us playing, and Emma tried to wait as patiently as she could! We all had such a great time!

Monday, June 18, 2007


We had such a great time at the Glassco girls birthday party! Macey, McKinley and Maddie are the children of our good friends Marc and Christina (Hicks) Glassco. They have birthdays in May, June and July, so this year Christina decided to have one big party for all 3 girls! It was a blast! Most of the kids enjoyed the huge waterslide that they had. I think it was a little too much for Emma though. She played on the swingset the majority of the time.

Reading Glasses

Most of Emma's grandparents have to use glasses when they read! Emma is helping Mimi bake a cake, but she needs "her" glasses to help read the recipe! It is so cute to see little kids imitate those who are older than them!!!

Mimi and Papa's House

We were able to come home to visit with our family at the 1st of June! It's always nice to be at home with everyone!
Emma and Papa
MiMac and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crosson
Mimi and Papa bought this little pool for Emma and Hunter to play in! We all had a blast playing in it!
Emma and Mimi trying out some new popcicles! Emma's as pretty sour but she ate it anyway!
Little Miss Bossy Britches telling Mimi exactly what she wants to watch on TV!

Nanna and Pop's house

On our last trip home, we enjoyed spending some time at Nanna and Pop's house.
Pop had bought 2 new Beagle puppies which Emma fell in love with.
Nanna is having to put a bandage on Emma's boo-boo!
Hunter, Emma, Lily and Red
Emma especially loved the little girl puppy! She carried it around for most of the evening!
Emma, Chris and Lily